Drostanolone Propionate (Masteron 100)


BUY/SELL Drostanolone Propionate (Masteron) Manufacturer: Hilma Biocare (HB) Packaging: 10ml/vial (100mg/ml) Drug Class: Anabolic/Androgenic Steroids Common Names: Masteron, Masteron 100, Drostonolone Di-propionate, Masteril, Metormon, Masterid, Mastisol, Permastril

SKU: 04472170 Category:



Drostanolone Propionate (Masteron)

Maker: Hilma Biocare

Pack: 10ml/vial (100mg/ml)

Drug class: anabolic/androgenic steroids

Common names: Masteron, Drostonolone Di-Propionate, Masteril, Metormon, Masterid, Mastisol, Permastril, Drolban, Drostanolone Propionate, Mastabol, Mastebolin, Dromastanolone Di-Propionate, Mastever, Mast-Depot

Chemical structure: 17beta-Hydroxy-2alpha-methyl-5alpha-androstan-3-one propionate

Information: Drostanolone propionate is an anabolic androgenic steroid that was first introduced to the market around 1970 under the trade name Masteron manufactured by Syntex.

Drostanolone carries relatively normal anabolic and androgenic ratings, however, these ratings are something lacking. It is important to remember that DHT, the base of Drostanolone, is five times more androgenic than testosterone with a much stronger binding affinity to the androgen receptor. This again promotes a harder look and can also enhance fat loss.

Drostanolone propionate is the propionate salt form of dromostanolone, a synthetic anabolic steroid related to dihydrotestosterone that has anti-estrogenic effects. Dromostanolone inhibits the growth of breast cancers with estrogen receptors, its virilizing effects limit its clinical usefulness. It would also become a popular cutting steroid among bodybuilders, which is where Drostonolone is currently most commonly found.

Drostanolone Propionate Profile

  • Androgenic Index – 25
  • Anabolic index -62
  • Estrogen level – Very low
  • Weak Progestational
  • Liver toxicity Low


The drug has the property of ensuring a positive nitrogen balance in humans and promotes protein synthesis. It aims to provide increased strength while maintaining body weight and losing body fat.

  • Improves stamina
  • Average increase in strength
  • Faster regeneration
  • Burn 5-7% fat during the cycle
  • No water retention
  • Muscle building
  • Increased collagen synthesis and bone mineral content.
  • Increased levels of IGF-1 and MGF hormones (which also promote muscle growth)
  • Increases hemoglobin (red blood cell count)
  • Anti-catabolic effect on muscle tissue by acting as an anti-glucocorticoid

Undoubtedly, the effects of Masteron will be displayed most effectively during a cutting cycle.

Dose range and duration of use

Common cycle length is 6-12 weeks
Beginners: 300-400mg/week
Hobby: 400-500mg/week
Professional range: 500-600mg/week
Women: 50-100/weekly
Half-life: 2-3 days
Detection time: 3 weeks

Side effects

Masteron is non-aromatizing and contains no progestin nature, which makes estrogenic side effects impossible with this steroid. This means that gynecomastia, bloating and water retention will not be problems.

Due to its androgenic nature, Masteron can produce virilization symptoms in women. Virilization symptoms can include hair growth, deepening of the vocal cords, and an enlarged clitoris.

Masteron will significantly suppress natural testosterone production, which makes exogenous testosterone therapy important when using this steroid.Failure to include exogenous testosterone will lead most men to a state of low testosterone, which not only comes with many possible symptoms, but is also extremely unhealthy.

After cycle therapy

After your last injection, Post Cycle Therapy begins, approximately 9-14 days

After the end of any cycle, comprehensive and appropriate post cycle therapy is still required, where ancillary testosterone-boosting compounds such as Nolvadex and/or HCG should be used in order to facilitate the normalization of HPTA (Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Testicles -axis) and endogenous testosterone production as quickly as possible.

Drostanolone Propionate itself does not saromatize to estrogen and therefore does not require anti-estrogen protection throughout the cycle. However, it is most often used in combination with a testosterone (which requires protection).

Mix/combine your steroid cycle

This Masteron cycle can be used for cutting or sports performance:

Weeks 1-12:
Testosterone Propionate: 100mg/every other day
Arimidex: 0.5mg/every other day
Weeks 5-12:
Trenbolone Acetate: 100mg/every other day
Weeks 7-12:
Drostanolone propionate: 100 mg/every other day
Stanozolol: 50mg/day

Advanced cutting cycle:
Week 1-4:
Testosterone 1000mg/weekly
Oxymetholone 50mg/day, arimidex as required
Week 5:
Testosterone 1000mg/weekly
Oxymetholone 50mg/day
T3 25mcg/day
Arimidex as needed
Week 6:
Testosterone 1000mg/weekly
Oxymetholone 25mcgs/daily
T3 25mcg/day
Arimidex as needed
Week 7-10:
Testosterone Propionate 25mcg/daily
Drostanolone Propionate 25mcg/daily
Trenbolone cure acetate 25mcg/daily
T3 50mcg/day
Arimidex as needed
Week 11-12:
Testosterone Propionate 25mg/day
Drostanolone Propionate 50mg/day
Trenbolone acetate 50mg/daily
T3 /50mcg /daily
Stanozolol tablets 50 mg/day
Arimidex as needed
Week 13:
Stanozolol tablets 50mg/day
Anavar tablets 50mg, daily
T3 50mcg/day
Arimidex as needed


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