Ltrozole (Fmara)


BUY/SELL Ltrozole ( Femara ) Manufacturer: Hilma Biocare Pack: 2.5mg/tab, 30tabs/pack Common Names: Ltrozole, Femara Info: Ltrozole / Femara reduce estrogen levels by 98% or more. This is obviously of huge interest to bodybuilders. In fact, less than

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Ltrozole (Fmara)

Laboratory: Hilma Biocare
Form: Oral
Ingredients: ltrozole
Concentration: 2.5mg/tab
Presentation: box of 30 tabs
Dosage: 1-2 tablets per day. So between 2.5 mg and 5 mg per day
Type: anti-estrogen + stimulus
Level: All the users

Basically Ltrozole is a drug that was developed to fight breast cancer by inhibiting aromatization. It is usually used as part of aggressive treatment in postmenopausal women, to fight and reverse the spread of breast cancer after other treatments (such as tamoxifen) have failed. It is probably the most effective product on the market for this purpose currently, it is very similar in structure and action to its predecessor arimidex.

Ltrozole is also and above all of interest to bodybuilders and athletes. First, it has been proven to reduce estrogen levels by 98% or more. This is obviously of huge interest to bodybuilders. In fact, less estrogen in the body eliminates steroid side effects such as water retention, gyncomastia and acne. This makes Ltrozole the best anti-estrogen on the market, even in very difficult cycles. Also, if you compete in bodybuilding, letrozole helps to keep your muscles dry and streaky.

The effective dose of ltrozole 2.5 to 5 mg per day. If you exceed this dose, there may be a risk of loss of libido. Also, if you keep your estrogen levels too low for too long, you will end up weakening your immune system.

It should be noted that Letrozole can also be used in post cycle therapy for augmentation.Indeed ltrozole increases LH and FSH (which are hormones that boost your testicles to produce more testosterone)

Letrozole is 2-5 times more potent than anastrozole (arimidex) and lasts a long time in the body, but takes a while to start. You must take ltrozole for 60 days to achieve balance in the blood plasma.

Even more impressive, letrozole can reduce or eliminate an existing gyncomastia back!

In conclusion, Letrozole is a complete anti-estrogen that protects during and after the recovery cycle, it eliminates the negative effects of steroids while providing an aesthetic benefit on muscle quality.


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