Mesterolone (Proviron)


BUY/SELL Mesterolone (Proviron) Manufacturer: Hilma Biocare (HB) Pack: 50 tabs/bottle (25mg/tab) Drug Class: Androgenic Steroids Common Names: Proviron, Masterlone, Masterolone, Mesviron 25, Vistimon, Provimed, Provironos, Prov Tablets.

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Mesterolone (Proviron)


Maker: Hilma Biocare

Pack: 50 tablets/bottle (25mg/tab)

Drug class: androgenic steroids

Common names: Tablets Proviron, Masterlone, Masterolone, Mesviron 25, Vistimon, Provimed, Provironos, Prov.

Chemical structure: 1 alpha-methyl-17 beta-hydroxy-5 alpha-androstan-3-one

Information: Mesterolone (Proviron) represents one of the oldest anabolic androgenic steroids on the market. A product of the giant pharmaceutical company Schering, it first appeared in 1934. Officially known as Mesterolone, it has appeared under many brand names over the years, but the proviron pharmacy france name has always remained dominant.

In many ways, Mesterolone is a unique anabolic steroid product. It shares strong similarities with (Drostanolone) Masteron and to a degree Oxandrolone (Anavar) and Stanozolol (Winstrol) but altogether it is its own unique animal. In a performance capacity, Proviron is not used to promote large mass buildup, although it may serve an important purpose during such a training phase. We will however find that Mesterolone is much more common in cutting cycles, but again its purpose will be somewhat unique.

As a therapeutic agent, Mesterolone is one of the most commonly used anabolic steroids in modern medicine. It will be found mainly in European medicine, especially in Western Europe. The primary purpose of use is to treat androgen deficiencies, age being the most common culprit of the condition.However, it is also used in pre-pubescent men. The hormone is also used as a fertility aid in men and that alone makes it a very unique anabolic steroid as most anabolic steroids tend to have the opposite effect.

Mesterolone Profile

  • Androgenic index (30-40)
  • Anabolic index (100-150)
  • Estrogen Level None
  • Progestin activity – Not significant
  • Liver toxicity Low
  • Water retention None
  • High blood pressure: rare


The best time to use Mesterolone will be during the cutting period.

During the off-season, this is where most will use the most testosterone, but most men won't fit into an off-season cycle.

Many will use high amounts of testosterone during cutting cycles, especially competitive bodybuilders but lower testosterone shots are more common during the cutting phase.

  • improves testosterone potency
  • Reduces circulating estrogen levels by inhibiting the aromatase enzyme that converts testosterone to estrogen (this helps to avoid the side effects of estrogen produced by other anabolic steroids)
  • Ability to increase muscle density and
  • Used in many different hormonal cycles to
    prevent the development of side effects
  • Helping the individual break through a sticking point

Dose range and duration of use

Common cycle length is 6-12 weeks
Beginners: Not recommended
Hobby: 25-75 mg/day
Professional range: 25-150 mg/day
Women: 25mg/day
Half-life: 8-12 hours
Detection time: 5-6 weeks

Side effects

Side effects for women:
Deepening of the voice
Menstrual irregularities
Changes in skin texture and enlarged clitoris
Depression or aggression

Side effects for men

Increased libido
oily skin
Growth of body or facial hair
Exacerbation of a male pattern baldness condition
Depression or aggression

Storage room

Store in a dry place away from light, at a temperature of 15-25°C. Keep out of reach of children.

After cycle therapy

Mesterolone is used during cycles and in post cycle treatment in conjunction with standard treatment. anabolic steroids and testosterone products, as well as Tamoxifen Citrate or Clomiphene Citrate to achieve complete estrogen suppression.


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